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I craft dynamic, interactive learning experiences, powered by a passion for education and a love for lifelong learning.

Hi! I'm Pantéa


Panda e-Learning Lab

I'm thrilled to introduce my new instructional design portfolio website,! The name "Panda" has a special place in my heart for three reasons:


  • When I was seven, I lost a dear family member. During that difficult time, a relative gifted me a fluffy panda toy. This unique companion quickly became a source of comfort, creating an emotional bond that has stayed with me ever since.

  • My grandmother found it hard to pronounce "Pantea," so she lovingly called me "Panda" since it was the only name close to what she knew already! It's a nickname filled with warmth, love, and FUN!

  • I adore pandas! They're caring and peaceful. 

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